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I originally started my Martial Arts journey when I was in my late teens or early 20s. I don't really regard it as the beginning of my journey because I was kind of an apathetic person at that age. I half-assed most of my training or I trained hard for a week and thought I was amazing and stopped. I didnt have the discipline nor the patience to learn it. I tried a variety of martial arts from Kempo, Kung Fu, Escrima, Capoiera, and wrestling.  I wasn't impressed with them but, how could I be when I really wasn't spending the time to really learn them in a more than superficial way.

My first real world class instructors were Richard Raciti, Justin Rios, and Rich Sabatino.  Even though my instructors were incredible and quite a privilege to have trained under, I kind of squandered my time with them.  You get out what you put in and I definitely put in a piss poor effort so my experience was just that. (Sorry guys! I should have trained more with you!!)

Sadly, I eventually gave up on martial arts altogether for that time being..

I moved to Huntington Beach, California in 2015 and without friends and family, I thought to myself, lets get super fit and ripped. I signed up with the UFC gym to work out. I had no idea that HB was a Martial Arts Mecca! SERIOUSLY you can't help running into a UFC, Bellator, Pride, fighter or legend. This was my first real taste of martial arts. I ran into Jaime Fletcher (Pro Fighter), Damian Stibbie( Pro Fighter), Max Slipchenko (Ukrainian celebrity & 3x Muay Thai World Champion),  Mary Slipchenko( Ukrainian celebrity & 2x Muay Thai World Champion ), and Todd Medina( UFC Legend ). i cant emphasize enough that they are all world class!! I started taking their regular cardio classes and was getting into decent shape. At the time I didn't really know much about mixed martial arts besides the typical UFC hype. But they were all inviting enough and I figured it was time to face my fear and try one of their classes. I became addicted - Muay Thai, Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, Carlson Gracie Jui-Jitsu, and Boxing - I wanted to learn it all!!

2+ years later and I cant get enough. I have noticed quite a few things that have changed since I started in MMA and wanted to share.

1. Face your fears

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MMA is the hardest sport in the world! Its a sport where literally the other person is trying to hurt you and it's your job to not only defend, but to be able to gain an advantage over your opponent(s). Quite a daunting task. When your opponent is twice your size in height, muscle, weight your first thought is "Jesus take the wheel!"

However, the longer you train, learn, and spar the more you realize that the fear is mostly in you head. With experience, the crazy jacked looking dude who looks like he just broke out of prison to personally make your life terrible, is transformed into just another guy in class ( who you want to spar ).

2. Gain Confidence

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In addition to not being scared, you learn to believe in yourself. You may have started martial arts like a lamb but you slowly become a lion over time. Not that you are a bully, but rather you believe in yourself and will not be intimidated easily. Ironically, even though you may not notice, guys who just started will start to look at you just like the guy from bullet above.

3. Get in shape

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I bet you watch boxing or UFC and think oh its only 4 or 5 minutes a round. That's so quick! Why are they tired?! Yeah anyone who has ever sparred or rolled or trained will tell you - 30 seconds feels like a lifetime! The amount of cardio, strength, and agility you need is not trivial.

Expect the first few weeks or months to be gassed out quickly and utterly spent after a work out. Don't worry everyone starts there. After a while, you will find that you are working out extra just to be able to train longer and harder - ultimately you will look back at the hard work you put in and be proud.  So fight through the initial difficult times.  It's worth it!

4. Discipline

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No I don't think that Martial Arts are this magical fix all activity - but I think self discipline is one in which it does well on. This means the more you train the more you will get better, it becomes addicting as it is a social sport requiring other people to participate as well. So seeing tangible progress really does make you want to train more and more and make sure you are performing at peak performance.

5. Empowerment

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You find that if you can push yourself farther than you thought in martial arts or any sport for that matter, you can handle anything. This carries over to work, friends, relationships, etc... You start to become a doer and not a talker. You started martial arts being the punching bag, and now sometimes you are doing the punching. Things do change!

"Everyone has a plan, til they get punched in the face" in the words of Mike Tyson, equivalently Id add, everyone has a dream until they have to work hard for it! Most people have dreams they will never go for, for a variety of reasons. You'll learn how to ignore the "can'ts" and push ahead anyways. 

6. Friends

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Yes you will beat each other bloody sometimes, or exchange black eyes, locks, submissions, etc... However after the smoke clears and you are both covered in blood, sweat, and tears you will find them to be your closest friends. Contrary to popular belief, most of the folks that I've trained with, have been the kindest and most thoughtful people I have met. Professionals, students, artists, designers, etc... are all welcome. 

Martial Arts is by nature a social activity. You'll learn to develop close bonds with these people that will grow strong and last over time. So enjoy it, cause you have 2nd family now.

7. Learn a new skill

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This is the reason you started martial arts. Learn a new skill or hobby or train to fight professionally. Congratulations you've just embarked on a life long journey! Once you get hooked, there will always be something new to learn, a new coach with a different technique or style you want to learn, or something you will want to fine tune in your game. Regardless of what you do next - know that you have gained skills that will be ingrained in you after a while of training.

I am sure I missed many other benefits but these were the ones in my experience. I'm curious about the benefits or experiences others have had with martial arts. So lemme know comment below with your thoughts. How has your journey changed you? 


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